My thoughts about the importance of and the ways to feel grounded emerged from a week of change and stress. I traveled over a thousand miles by car, I assisted a close family member having major surgery, and later in the week I facilitated a meeting at an event I had never attended before… You get the picture! And it was a good week, a successful week. The surgery went well, my relative is recovering on schedule, and the meeting was a success. And I am not even mentioning how stressful the past week has been for our nation. And I can only wonder how difficult it would be to maintain a sense of being grounded after a major disaster or fleeing as a refugee.
But… all my personal experiences were demanding in multiple ways. I had to be present, aware, anticipate, ready to improvise, and expend my energy as needed. This required that I have periods of rest and restoration. All this brought to mind the importance, the necessity of be grounded, or of ‘re-grounding’ myself.
I researched the concept of being grounded. I found this definition at…/what-does-it-mean-to-be-grounded, “…you are fully present, your mind is still, and you are completely focused.” This definition is quite good, but I would add this, your body is relaxed and open. Most information and suggestions on becoming grounded note the importance of being aware of and in touch with one’s physical body.
There was information about recognizing when you are not grounded. These descriptions rang true for me, “feeling scattered, stressed, anxious or panicky, feeling spaced-out, absent-minded, dazed.” ( I certainly did not want to drift into these states during this past week.
So, what to do? At the same website noted immediately above is a manual with exercises for becoming grounded. I also found seven steps to becoming grounded at Several things help me to stay grounded. First, enough rest. Next, following a tried and true routine to start my day. My routine includes time to meditate and time for some physical exercise. I am then ‘ready for my day’ whatever it may bring. Walking my two dogs also helps. I notice that they respond to the restoration of their routine when they act stressed too!
In the moment, when something challenging and stressful comes my way,
- I do focus on my breathing, in and out, deep, steady breaths, and also feeling my feet firmly connected with the earth or the floor
- I also find it helpful to get outside and focus on my senses, what do I see, smell, and hear in the natural world. This simple act can break through the stress and help me refocus
- Here is one more exercise that can help. Find a private space, like a restroom stall, or an office, bedroom, stand with feet parallel, and a couple feet apart, raise your arms above your head and extended over your feet, and breathe deeply in and out.
Hope these suggestions help.