While I was in a virtual meeting last week, one of the participants offered this wisdom, don’t use the word ‘normal’, going back or returning to ‘normal.’ It’s not helpful to think that way. We are going through too much disruption and change for an unknown length of time to expect a return to ‘the way things were.’
At this point, in the midst of the present drama, it is impossible to know the contours of the world that lies ahead when the pandemic has released its grip on us. However, there are already stirrings and efforts to reopen some businesses and relax stringent stay-at-home restrictions in some places. The same person who suggested that it is helpful not to think of going back to the way things were also said, we have to ‘cocreate our future.’
What does that mean? As I usually do, I looked for definitions of cocreate. It is spelled two different ways, cocreate (more common) and co-create. The variety of ways the word is used is surprising. There is a basic meaning, however, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cocreate
: to create (something) by working with one or more others
: to create (something) jointly,
and from https://www.yourdictionary.com/cocreate
To create together.
As noted above, I also found that there are ways this concept is used in the spiritual realm, in the business world, as well as in life in general. It is worthwhile to consider each perspective. From life in general, it’s pretty organic, like brainstorming in a meeting when all ideas are accepted, and all participants have an equal voice.
From a spiritual perspective, although for some this might sound a bit woo woo, the focus is on working with the universe to achieve a change. From my research at https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS792US792&lei=EuilXvqHFPypytMPjva62AM&q=co%20create%20with%20the%20universe&ved=2ahUKEwjizNnD8IbpAhUqknIEHffvC68QsKwBKAJ6BAgCEAM&biw=1077&bih=595 on “co-creating with the universe” this is what I learned.
- Set and announce your intentions or wishes
- Take the actions that you can
- Let go, let things take their course, in terms of timing and actual outcomes
Most interesting, from the business world, I found an article from Harvard Business Review on how to make cocreation work for a company. The article set out these four guidelines. (https://hbr.org/topic/product-development Building the Co-Creative Enterprise by Venkat Ramaswamy and Francis Gouillart, from the October 2010 Issue)
- Cocreation only works if all stakeholders know the process will produce value for them, too.
- The best focus for cocreating value is to focus on all the experiences of the stakeholders.
- Stakeholders must be able to interact directly with one another
- Companies should provide platforms that allow stakeholders to interact and share their experiences.
Essentially, decisions about the direction and actions of any business, institution, community, even a government, are best done inclusively and transparently. In other words, cocreating requires the active involvement of everyone, listening to and respecting the input of everyone, everyone being in the loop, and everyone knowing all this is so. Perhaps, then, one can relax and let the ‘universe’ take action!