Lessons in Character Traits

The other night I attended a ’show’. I put single parentheses around the word show to indicate that although the performance was billed as one, it was unique. A group of eight individuals told their stories about leaving their native countries and emigrating to the United States. There were recent immigrants and some who have lived in the US for several decades. The group included men and women from Africa. Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Central America. They told stories about their childhoods, their reasons for emigrating, the process of emigrating, arrival in the US, and their lives now.

I found the experience moving. The audience heard about experiences that registered as hopeful, humorous, fearful, and tragic. And sometimes desperate or tedious. As they spoke, each participant became a more distinct and unique person who had experiences I could personally Identify with, as well as some that I found truly foreign.

I also found the show thought-provoking. Reflecting on why, I realized that each story conveyed to me the qualities that these individuals shared, or they would not have been on the stage standing before us. First to come to mind, of course was courage. The decision to take the risks that some described were daunting. Each one had to persevere in their quest. In some cases, this meant waiting on and working on the process of emigration for years. Upon arrival in this country, each had to persevere in search of work, learning a new language, pursuing education and more. Along with persevering, each person had to be able to sustain the belief or faith that they would succeed. Again, the process for all undertook years.

Along with courage, perseverance and faith in the value of the process, each individual was willing to work hard. And frequently, to work hard at some task or job they never imagined doing. For example, learning English, or washing dishes, or painting lines on pavement. Not to mention milking cows or growing vegetables. Some were accountants or musicians in their former lives.

And also, each was willing to change and to learn something new. I noted learning English. But also, to learn how to live in a new climate. Some had never seen snow, or trees with no leaves. They had to embrace learning a new culture and making new acquaintances and friends. They had to embrace a new ‘home.’

On reflection, I realized how valuable these characteristics are. Thinking about myself, I wondered if I would have the stamina, the faith, the willingness to work and change that these individuals displayed. I’m not sure! Would you? I also realized how fortunate we are to have these individuals enriching our experience of community. They are examples of resilience and can teach us a lot.