My Discovery of an Energy Shifting Technique

While talking with someone about an upcoming meeting, I was able to verbalize and then clearly ‘see’ a technique I recently discovered.

First, some context. The meeting was important to me because this was a new professional connection and I wanted to make a good impression. Further, I believed that some good contacts, even some referrals might evolve from this new relationship. As I talked with my colleague, I realized that I was feeling anxious about this meeting.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like feeling anxious. And I know from experience that anxiety is not conducive to creating a relaxed, trusting atmosphere between two people. In fact, it fosters the opposite, tension and discomfort for all concerned.

So, I wondered how to prepare, knowing that I didn’t want to carry any anxiety with me into this meeting. What to do? This is when this new technique appeared. I said to my colleague seemingly out of the blue, ‘I’ll turn some of that anxiety into excitement!’ And immediately I felt a shift in my attitude and any trepidation or feeling of being trapped in an unwanted emotion vanished.

Thankfully my friend asked me to explain what had just happened and how I had arrived at such a change in perspective. I reflected for a minute and realized that I had gone through several steps to arrive at the shift from a feeling of anxiety to a feeling and attitude of excitement.

To start, I acknowledged to myself what I was feeling, namely, anxious. That act of acknowledgement allowed me to step away and distance myself from that emotion and see it from a more neutral standpoint.

Then, because I had stepped back, I realized two things. First, I had a choice about how I felt. No one was dictating to me how to approach or feel about this meeting. I was in charge of my own attitude.

Next, seeing this bigger picture helped me to remember that I have value, gifts of my own, and something to offer. Reminding myself of this helped me to see a level playing field. The encounter is going to be a ‘meeting.’ Reframing the meaning of meeting, I reflected that each person would bring their own expertise, perspectives, knowledge, and value to the table.

Finally, seeing the encounter in this light, and knowing that I have something to offer, the meeting became an event holding possibilities and potential. Together, we could be creative. This could be fun, even! I felt more relaxed, and looked forward to it, whatever the outcome. Regardless, I would do my best, and put my best self forward.

I hope that this energy shifting technique will be helpful to you.