Unpacking and Redefining ‘Self-Interest’

I want to change and expand the meaning of ‘self-interest.’ The definitions I found were in line with what I expected. From Miriam Webster, “a concern for one’s own advantage and well-being acted out of selfinterest and fear.” (https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › self-interest.) And from the Cambridge Dictionary, “consideration of advantages for yourself in making a decision, usually without worrying about its effect on others.” (https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › english › self-interest.) In essence, thinking and acting with only your own well-being in mind.

What got me on this kick? Recently I heard about a municipality that voted that only those citizens with children would pay education taxes and fees in that town. I cannot verify that this is true. But it does illustrate a point I am making in this blog. In this case, granted, some community members’ taxes would go down. I appreciate that this occurrence is always welcome. But would the quality of education be sustained? Fewer citizens would be carrying the financial burden. Who could vote on changes in the education system? I imagine that the argument for this move is that only those who use the service should pay for it. In other words, people are only concerned with their self-interests. There’s that concept!

Take the example I noted above about who will pay taxes to support the local school system. I pose this question, is it in your or my self-interest to all pay for children to be educated so that in the future they can obtain decent jobs, make good wages or salaries, and support the local economy (that also supports me)? I think so. Just as it is in my self-interest to help fund the local fire department, police force, and rescue squad. I hope that I will not need those services, but I want them to remain available. And doesn’t having them for everyone strengthen the whole community?

Community. What is in my self-interest when I reflect on the importance of a healthy, viable community? I realize that there are exceptions to this perspective. People truly worried about finding their next meal or shelter are unable to think beyond those immediate, crucial concerns. And most children do not have the resources to support or perceive of a larger community beyond their family.

But we adults, with jobs, homes, food in the kitchen, etc., we do have that capacity. Here is my proposal. We expand our understanding of self-interest. Imagine we each have our own self-interest map. How wide does yours extend? What does it include? Just you? Your family? Schools? Hospitals? Towns? States? Nations? The environment? And how do you enact your self-interest? By voting? Contributions? Time? Advocacy? Volunteer service? Employment? Of course, no one can do it all. We will each have our own unique ‘map.’ Isn’t a sustainable, secure, world in our best interest? Isn’t that self-interest, too?